tracktable.core.timestamp module

Utility classes for position update data

class tracktable.core.timestamp.Timestamp[source]

Bases: object

Convenience class that can convert from different formats to an ‘aware’ datetime

BEGINNING_OF_TIME = datetime.datetime(1400, 1, 1, 0, 0)
static beginning_of_time()[source]

Return a timestamp guaranteed to be before any legal data point


Timestamp equal to January 1, 1400.

static from_any(thing)[source]

Try to construct a timestamp from whatever we’re given.

The possible inputs can be:

  • a Python datetime (in which case we just return a copy of the input)

  • a string in the format ‘2013-04-05 11:23:45’, in which case we will assume that it resides in timestamp.DEFAULT_TIMEZONE

  • a string in the format ‘2013-04-05 11:23:45-05’, in which case we will assume that it’s UTC-5 (or other time zone, accordingly)

  • a string in the format ‘2013-04-05T11:23:45’ or ‘2013-04-05T11:23:45-05’ – just like above but with a T in the middle instead of a space

  • a string in the format ‘20130405112345’ - these are assumed to reside in timestamp.DEFAULT_TIMEZONE

  • a string in the format ‘MM-DD-YYYY HH:MM:SS’

  • a string such as ‘08-Aug-2013 12:34:45’ where ‘Aug’ is the abbreviated name for a month in your local environment

  • a dict containing at least ‘year’, ‘month’, ‘day’ entries and optionally ‘hour’, ‘minute’ and ‘second’ - these will always represent UTC times until I implement it otherwise


thing – String, datetime, or dict (see above)


Timezone-aware datetime object

static from_datetime(mytime)[source]

Convert a datetime to an aware timestamp


mytime (datetime) – Possibly-naive timestamp


New datetime that will definitely have a time zone attached

static from_dict(mydict)[source]

Construct a datetime from a dict with named elements.


mydict (dict) – Dict with zero or more of ‘hour’, ‘minute’, ‘second’, ‘year’, ‘month’, ‘day’, and ‘utc_offset’ entries. Missing entries will be set to their minimum legal values.


An aware datetime object imbued with tracktable.core.DEFAULT_TIMEZONE

unless a ‘utc_offset’ value is specified, in which case the specified time zone will be used instead.

static from_string(timestring, format_string=None)[source]

Convert from a string to a datetime

Populate from a string such as ‘2012-09-10 12:34:56’ or ‘2012-09-10T12:34:56’. Note that you must have both a date and a time in that format or else the method will fail.

You can use a different format if you like but you will have to supply the ‘format_string’ argument. It will be passed to datetime.strptime. In Python 3 you can use the ‘%z’ directive to parse a time zone declaration – for example, ‘2017-06-01 12:34:56-0500’ is June 5, 2017 in UTC-5, aka the US east coast.

Note: Python 2.7 does not have the %z directive. You must use Python 3.4 or newer to get that.


timestring (string) – String containing your timestamp


format_string (string): Format string for datetime.strptime


An aware datetime object. By default this will be imbued with tracktable.core.timestamp.DEFAULT_TIMEZONE. If you used a format string with %z or %Z then you will get whatever time zone Python parsed.

static from_struct_time(mytime)[source]

Construct a datetime from a time.struct_time object.


mytime (time.struct_time) – Source time


An aware datetime object imbued with tracktable.core.timestamp.DEFAULT_TIMEZONE.

static sanity_check(timestamp)[source]

Check to see whether a timestamp might be real

We assume that any timestamp after the year 1600 has a non-zero chance of being real and that anything before that is bogus.


timestamp (datetime) – Timestamp to check


Timestamp argument if sane, None if not

static to_iso_string(dt, include_tz=True)[source]

Convert a timestamp to a string in format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS

  • dt (datetime) – Timezone-aware datetime object

  • include_tz (boolean) – Whether or not to append a ‘+XXXX’ timezone offset


String representation of the timestamp

static to_string(dt, format_string='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', include_tz=True)[source]

Convert a datetime to a string

Format contents as a string, by default formatted as ‘2013-04-21 14:45:00’. You may supply an argument ‘format_string’ if you want it in a different form. See the documentation for datetime.strftime() for information on what this format string looks like.

  • dt (datetime) – Timestamp object to stringify

  • format_string (string) – String to pass to datetime.strftime() that describes format

  • include_tz – Whether or not to append timezone UTC offset


String version of timestamp

static truncate_to_day(orig_dt)[source]

Zero out the time portion of a timestamp


orig_dt (datetime) – Input datetime


New timestamp with hours=0, minutes=0 and seconds=0

static truncate_to_hour(orig_dt)[source]

Zero out the minutes and seconds in a timestamp


orig_dt (datetime) – Input datetime


New timestamp with minutes=0 and seconds=0

static truncate_to_minute(orig_dt)[source]

Zero out the seconds in a timestamp


orig_dt (datetime) – Input datetime


New timestamp with seconds=0

static truncate_to_year(orig_dt)[source]

Zero out all but the year in a timestamp


orig_dt (datetime) – Input datetime


New timestamp with month=1, day=1, hours=0, minutes=0 and seconds=0

tracktable.core.timestamp.localize_timestamp(naive_ts, utc_offset=0)[source]

Imbue a naive timestamp with a timezone

Python has two kinds of timestamps: naive (just a datetime, no time zone) and aware (time plus time zone). Mixing the two is awkward. Thie routine will assign a time zone to a datetime (UTC by default) for consistency throughout Tracktable.

Note: You can change the default timezone by setting the module-level variable DEFAULT_TIMEZONE. This is not recommended.

  • naive_ts (datetime) – Timestamp to localize

  • utc_offset (integer) – Number of hours offset from UTC. You can also specify a fraction of an hour as ‘0530’, meaning 5 hours 30 minutes.


A new datetime imbued with the desired time zone