
Now we come to the fun part of Tracktable: making images and movies from data.

Tracktable supports three kinds of visualization:

  1. A heatmap (2D histogram)

  2. A trajectory map (lines/curves drawn on the map)

  3. A trajectory movie


Visualization in tracktable can be static or interactive depending on the backend selected for render_trajectories, cartopy or folium respectively.


We render heatmaps directly from points. Trajectory maps and movies require assembled trajectories.

In all cases we render points into a 2D projection. In this section of the user’s guide we will discuss rendering onto a map projection. The procedure for rendering points in Cartesian space is very similar and will be documented Real Soon Now.

We use the Cartopy toolkit for the map projection and Matplotlib for the actual rendering.


In order to view the images being rendered, either output the image to a file, execute the code in a notebook, or otherwise ensure your environment can launch an image viewing application.

Setting Up a Map

The easiest way to create and decorate a map is with the tracktable.render.render_map.render_map() function. It can create maps of common (named) areas of the world, regions surrounding airports, ports, and user-specified regions.

Predefined Region Map

Here’s an example that will create a map of Australia with coastlines and longitude/latitude graticules rendered every 2 degrees.

 1from tracktable.render.render_map import render_map
 2from matplotlib import pyplot
 4f = pyplot.figure(figsize=(8, 6), dpi=100)
 6(mymap, initial_artists) = render_map(domain='terrestrial',
 7                                     map_name='region:australia',
 8                                     draw_coastlines=True,
 9                                     draw_countries=False,
10                                     draw_states=False,
11                                     draw_lonlat=True,
12                                     lonlat_spacing=2,
13                                     lonlat_linewidth=0.5)

We always return two values from render_map. The first is the cartopy.mpl.geoaxes instance that will convert points between world coordinates (longitude/latitude) and map coordinates. The second is a list of Matplotlib artists that define all the decorations added to the map.

There are several predefined map areas. Their names can be retrieved by programmatically calling tracktable.render.maps.available_maps() and for the convience of the user guide these maps are:

  • region:conus

  • region:europe

  • region:world

  • region:north_america

  • region:south_america

  • region:australia


If you would like to have a region included please send us its name and longitude/latitude bounding box. We will gladly add it to the next Tracktable release. Contact us using the contact information listed under the Tracktable Contacts

Map of Australia

This map of Australia was generated by passing the map name australia to render_map.

Predefined Airport Map

This next example will render a 200x200 km area around Boston’s Logan International Airport (BOS). Coastlines will be drawn with an extra-thick (2-point-wide) blue line. US state borders will be drawn in red. Land will be filled in grey. Water will be filled in black. BOS will be marked with a large red dot. We use high-resolution borders since we’re zoomed in fairly far.

 1from tracktable.render.render_map import render_map
 2from matplotlib import pyplot
 4f = pyplot.figure(figsize=(8, 6), dpi=100)
 5(mymap, initial_artists) = render_map(domain='terrestrial',
 6                                     map_name='airport:BOS',
 7                                     draw_coastlines=True,
 8                                     draw_countries=False,
 9                                     draw_states=True,
10                                     draw_lonlat=True,
11                                     lonlat_spacing=2,
12                                     lonlat_linewidth=0.5,
13                                     land_fill_color='#505050',
14                                     land_resolution='50m',
15                                     coastline_color='blue',
16                                     coastline_linewidth=2,
17                                     coastline_resolution='10m',
18                                     ocean_resolution='50m',
19                                     state_color='red',
20                                     state_linewidth=1,
21                                     region_size=(200, 200),
22                                     draw_airports=True,
23                                     airport_dot_size=20,
24                                     airport_color='red')
Map of BOS

This map of the area around Boston’s Logan International Airport was generated by passing the map name airport:BOS to render_map. The dot representing the airport is generated by setting the draw_airports to True.


The resolution of the borders in the generated image can be increased or decreased by setting the country_resolution, state_resolution, coastline_resolution, land_resolution, ocean_resolution and lake_resolution parameters.

Predefined Port Map

This next example will render a 200x200 km area around the port of Seattle. Coastlines will be drawn with an extra-thick (2-point-wide) blue line. US state borders will be drawn in red. Land will be filled in grey. Water will be filled in black. The Port of Seattle will be marked with a large red dot. We use high-resolution borders since we’re zoomed in fairly far.

 1from tracktable.render.render_map import render_map
 2from matplotlib import pyplot
 4f = pyplot.figure(figsize=(8, 6), dpi=100)
 5(mymap, initial_artists) = render_map(domain='terrestrial',
 6                                     map_name='port:seattle',
 7                                     draw_coastlines=True,
 8                                     draw_countries=False,
 9                                     draw_states=True,
10                                     draw_lonlat=True,
11                                     lonlat_spacing=2,
12                                     lonlat_linewidth=0.5,
13                                     land_fill_color='#505050',
14                                     land_resolution='50m',
15                                     coastline_color='blue',
16                                     coastline_linewidth=2,
17                                     coastline_resolution='10m',
18                                     ocean_resolution='50m',
19                                     state_color='red',
20                                     state_linewidth=1,
21                                     region_size=(200, 200),
22                                     draw_ports=True,
23                                     port_dot_size=20,
24                                     port_color='red')
Map of The Port of Seattle

This map of the area around the Port of Seattle was generated by passing the map name port:seattle to render_map. The dot representing the port is generated by setting the draw_ports to True.


The resolution of the borders in the generated image can be increased or decreased by setting the country_resolution, state_resolution, coastline_resolution, land_resolution, ocean_resolution and lake_resolution parameters.

Predefined City Map


This functionality will be implemented in a future release.

Custom Map

If we want a map that does not correspond to any of the predefined ones then we can use the custom map type. This example will create a map of Japan and the Korean Peninsula with all cities labeled whose population is larger than 2 million.

 1from tracktable.render.render_map import render_map
 2from matplotlib import pyplot
 4f = pyplot.figure(figsize=(8, 6), dpi=100)
 6# Bounding box is [longitude_min, latitude_min, longitude_max, latitude_max]
 7(mymap, initial_artists) = render_map(domain='terrestrial',
 8                                     map_name='custom',
 9                                     map_bbox = [123.5, 23.5, 148, 48],
10                                     draw_cities_larger_than=2000000)
Map of Japan and Korea

This map was generated by passing the map name custom and a longitude/latitude bounding box to render_map.


To define a map area that crosses the discontinuity at longitude +/- 180 degrees, use coordinates that wrap around beyond 180. The bounding boxes (-200, 0, -160, 40) and (160, 0, 200, 40) both define a region that extends from 0 to 40 degrees latitude and 20 degrees to either side of 180 degrees longitude.

Shorelines, Rivers, Borders

Shoreline, river and border gemotry objects can be added to a custom or predefined map. This is as simple as passing in the appropriate render flag along with zero or more specific polygons or bounding boxes to render. This example will use the same map creation logic from the section above but with the addition of shorelines. Rivers and borders follow the same conventions shown in this example.

 1from tracktable.render.render_map import render_map
 2from matplotlib import pyplot
 4f = pyplot.figure(figsize=(8, 6), dpi=100)
 6# Bounding box is [longitude_min, latitude_min, longitude_max, latitude_max]
 7(mymap, artists) = render_map.render_map(domain='terrestrial',
 8                                     map_name='custom',
 9                                     map_bbox = [123.5, 23.5, 148, 48],
10                                     draw_cities_larger_than=2000000,
11                                     scale_length_in_km=200,
12                                     draw_shorelines=True,
13                                     shoreline_color='blue',
14                                     shoreline_fill_polygon=False)
Map of Japan and Korea with shorelines highlighted

This map was generated by passing the map name custom and a longitude/latitude bounding box to render_map as well as setting the draw_shorelines flag to True.


Similar to the terrestrial maps described above Tracktable contains the ability to render map projections in the Cartesian domain. The example below will generate a blank cartesian2d that can be filled with points or trajectories.

1from tracktable.render.render_map import render_map
2from matplotlib import pyplot
4f = pyplot.figure(figsize=(8, 6), dpi=100)
6(mymap, initial_artists) = render_map(domain='cartesian2d',
7                                     map_name='custom',
8                                     map_bbox = [-100, -100, 100, 100])
Cartesian Map Projection

This map was generated by passing the domain cartesian2d, map name custom and a longitude/latitude bounding box to render_map.

Rendering Onto the Map

Since Tracktable uses Matplotlib as its underlying renderer you can immediately render almost anything you want on top of a map. Remember, however, that Matplotlib does not know about the map projection. In order to draw things that will be properly registered onto the map you need to use the cartopy.mpl.geoaxes instance that we got earlier when we set up our map using render_map. By calling the map instance as if it were a function you can convert coordinates from world space (longitude/latitude) to axis space (arbitrary coordinates established by Matplotlib).

There are many ways to draw things like contours, points, curves, glyphs and text directly onto the map. Please refer to the cartopy example gallery for demonstrations. Tracktable provides code to render two of the most common use cases for trajectory data: heatmaps (2D histograms) and trajectory maps.

Heat Maps

A heat map (Wikipedia page) is a two-dimensional histogram – that is, a density plot. We use heat maps to illustrate the density of points that compose a set of trajectories. We are typically looking for areas of high traffic and areas of coverage.

This release of Tracktable supports heat maps rendered on top of geographic maps using the tracktable.render.histogram2d.geographic class. You must call it with at least two arguments – a cartopy.mpl.geoaxes instance and an iterable of points. Other optional arguments will let you control the histogram bin size, color map and where on the map the heatmap is rendered.

A start-to-finish example of how to load points and render a heat map can be found on the heatmap example page.


The tracktable.render.histogram2d.geographic heat map generator only traverses its input data once to keep memory requirements low. You can safely use it with point sets too large to load into memory at once.

Trajectory Maps

A trajectory map is an ordinary map with one or more trajectories drawn on it. We may want to decorate a trajectory with any of the following:

  • Colors defined as a function of some quantity computed for the trajectory such as speed, turn rate or altitude

  • Variable line widths (such as a trajectory that is broad at its head and narrow at its tail)

  • A dot of some color and size at the head of the trajectory to mark the object’s actual position

  • A label at the head of the trajectory to display an object ID

All of this is packaged into the function draw_traffic in the tracktable.render.paths module.


The argument names for that function are slightly misleading. Pay careful attention to the documentation for that function. Specifically, the arguments trajectory_linewidth_generator and trajectory_scalar_generator seem to indicate by their names that you must compute the linewidths and scalars at render time. This is fine for single images. For movies, we find it more useful to compute as much as we can before rendering and then pass an accessor function in as the generator.

Similar to heat maps, a start-to-finish example on how to load points and generate trajectory maps can be found on the trajectory map example page.

Making Movies

To a first approximation, making a movie is the same as making a single image many, many times. The part that takes some care is minimizing the number of times we perform expensive operations such as loading data and configuring/decorating a map.

As with heat maps and trajectory maps a start-to-finish example how to load points and generate trajectory movies can be found on the movie rendering example page.