Basic Classes


Tracktable operates on points, timestamps and trajectories. Since points and trajectories are meaningless without a coordinate system, we instantiate points and trajectories from a domain. Each domain provides several different data types and a standard set of units. By design, it is difficult to mix points and trajectories from different domains. While we cannot prevent you entirely from mixing up (for example) kilometers and miles when computing distances, we can at least try to make it difficult.

Tracktable 1.3 includes the following domains:

Available Point Domains

C++ Namespace



Points in longitude/latitude space


Points in flat 2D space


Points in flat 3D space

Each domain defines several data types:

Domain Data Types

C++ Class



Bare point - just coordinates.


Point with coordinates, object ID, timestamp and used-defined properties.


Vector of un-decorated points (base points).


Vector of trajectory points. Trajectories have their own user-defined properties.


Read BasePoints from a delimited text file.


Read TrajectoryPoints from a delimited text file.


Axis-aligned bounding box.

We provide rendering support for the terrestrial and 2D Cartesian domains via Matplotlib and Basemap. Rendering support for 3D points and trajectories is still an open issue. Given the limited support for 3D data in Matplotlib we may delegate this job to another library. Exactly which library we might choose is open for discussion.

NOTE: In this guide we will assume you are working with TrajectoryPoint data rather than BasePoint data and that you are in the terrestrial domain.


There is a single timestamp class that is common across all point domains. In C++ this is tracktable::Timestamp, a thinly disguised boost::posix_time::ptime. In Python this is a timezone-aware datetime.datetime. As is the case elsewhere in Tracktable, we convert automatically between the two data types when Python code calls C++ and vice versa.


Add documentation for C++ methods for manipulating timestamps

Base Points


Add documentation for C++ methods for manipulating base points

Within a domain, Tracktable uses the BasePoint class to store a bare set of coordinates. These behave like vectors or sequences in that we use square brackets to set and get coordinates. Access a point’s coordinates as if the point were an array using [].

In C++:


Longitude is always coordinate 0 and latitude is always coordinate 1. We choose this ordering for consistency with the 2D Cartesian domain where the X coordinate is always at position 0 and the Y coordinate is at position 1.

Trajectory Points

The things that make a point part of a trajectory are: (1) its coordinates, already covered by BasePoint; (2) an identifier for the moving object; (3) a timestamp recording when the object was observed. These are the main differences between BasePoint and TrajectoryPoint.

In C++:

my_point = tracktable::domain::terrestrial::trajectory_point

float longitude = 50, latitude = 40;
my_point[0] = longitude;
my_point[1] = latitude;

my_point.set_timestamp(tracktable::time_from_string("2014-04-05 13:25:00");

Note that the timestamp and object ID properties are specific to trajectory points.

Operations On Points

The module tracktable.core.geomath has most of the operations we want to perform on two or more points. Here are a few common ones. These work with both BasePoint and TrajectoryPoint unless otherwise noted.

  • distance(A, B): Compute distance between A and B

  • bearing(origin, destination): Compute the bearing from the origin to the destination

  • speed_between(here, there): Compute speed between two TrajectoryPoints

  • signed_turn_angle(A, B, C): Angle between vectors AB and BC

  • unsigned_turn_angle(A, B, C): Absolute value of angle between vectors AB and BC


Just as each domain has BasePoint and TrajectoryPoint classes, we include LineString and Trajectory for ordered sequences of points.

LineString is analogous to BasePoint in that it has no decoration at all. It is just a sequence of points. Trajectory has its own ID (trajectory_id) as well as its own properties array.

As with point classes above, each domain in Tracktable defines a trajectory class. A trajectory is just a vector of points with a few extra properties attached. In C++, a trajectory behaves just like a std::vector and can be used with the C++ Standard Library as such.

Here is an example of creating a trajectory.


// Assume this array has been populated already
trajectory_point_type my_points[100];

// Initialize with iterators
trajectory_type my_trajectory(my_points, my_points+100);

trajectory_type my_trajectory2;
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {

Tracktable expects that all points in a given trajectory will have the same object ID. Timestamps must not decrease from one point to the next.

There are several free functions defined on trajectories that do useful things. We expect that the following will be used most often:

  • point_at_time(trajectory: Trajectory, when: Timestamp): Given a timestamp, interpolate between points on the trajectory to find the point at exactly the specified time. Timestamps before the beginning or after the end of the trajectory will return the start and end points, respectively. Tracktable will try to interpolate all properties that are defined on the trajectory points.

  • subset_in_window(trajectory: Trajectory, start, end: Timestamp): Given a start and end timestamp, extract the subset of the trajectory between those two times. The start and end points will be at exactly the start and end times you specify. These will be interpolated if there are no points in the trajectory at precisely the right time. Points in between the start and end times will be copied from the trajectory without modification.

  • recompute_speed, recompute_heading: Compute new values for the speed and heading numeric properties at each point given the position and timestamp attributes. These are convenient if our original data set lacks speed/heading information or if the original values are corrupt.


Make sure recompute_speed and recompute_heading are there where appropriate