Feature Vectors Domain

Module Contents

template<std::size_t dim>
class FeatureVector : public tracktable::PointCartesian<dim>

Point type for feature vectors.

A feature vector is a list of numbers that collectively describe properties of some entity, generally a trajectory. We typically treat feature vectors as a kind of fingerprint: we don’t want to modify them or do arithmetic with them, but instead look at the structure of a larger collection of feature vectors.

In Tracktable we use the FeatureVector template for such things. You can specify any dimension you want from 1 on up. Algorithms such as DBSCAN and the R-tree are templated on point type so that you can use them with any kind of feature vector you want.

Public Types

typedef PointCartesian<dim> Superclass

Public Functions

virtual ~FeatureVector()
FeatureVector(FeatureVector const &other)
FeatureVector(const double *coords)
FeatureVector &operator=(FeatureVector const &other)
template<class Archive>
void serialize(Archive &ar, const unsigned int version)
string_type to_string() const