TimestampConverter Module

Module Contents

typedef boost::uuids::uuid tracktable::uuid_type

A convenience typedef for uuids in tracktable.

class UUIDGenerator

Serves as a common base for all generators of random uuids.

With a common base, the global uuid generator may be changed to different implementations, including different random number generation mechanisms.

This class is necessary because the boost random uuid generators do not have any common hierarchy. This class provides a common hierarchy around the generate() method.

This base class also provides a basic mutex to allow threadsafe generation.

Subclassed by tracktable::BoostRandomUUIDGenerator< UniformRandomNumberGenerator >, tracktable::BoostRandomUUIDGeneratorPure

Public Types

typedef boost::shared_ptr<UUIDGenerator> pointer

A convenience typedef for a smart pointer to a generator.

Public Functions

virtual ~UUIDGenerator()
virtual uuid_type generate_uuid() = 0

This pure virtual method provides a common method for generating uuids.

Protected Functions

void lock_mutex()
void unlock_mutex()

Private Members

pthread_mutex_t mutex

Mutexes used to ensure generate_uuid() is threadsafe.

bool mutex_initialized