tracktable.script_helpers.argument_groups.trajectory_rendering module

Module contents

Options for rendering trajectories onto a map.


--trajectory-color-type ["scalar", "constant"]
Whether to use a function (scalar) or constant color for trajectories

--trajectory-color-function NAME
Function to generate trajectory color. Default is ‘progress’, a function that is 0 at the beginning of a trajectory and 1 at its end. Requires --trajectory-color-type scalar.

--trajectory-color COLOR
Constant color for trajectories. Requires --trajectory-color-type constant.

--trajectory-colormap NAME
Colormap to use to color trajectories. Use one of the Matplotlib standard colormaps or one of Tracktable’s color maps from tracktable.render.colormaps.

--trajectory-zorder NUMBER
Layer number for trajectories. Higher-numbered layers are rendered on top of lower-numbered ones.

Draw a dot at the head of each trajectory.

--trajectory-head-color COLOR
Color (name or hex string) for the dot at the head of the trajectory. Requires ‘–decorate-trajectory-head’. You can also specify ‘body’ to use the same color as the first segment of the trajectory.

--trajectory-head-dot-size NUMBER
Size (in points) of the dot to render at the head of each trajectory. Requires --decorate-trajectory-head.

--trajectory-linewidth NUMBER
Trajectory linewidth in points. You can also specify ‘taper’, in which case trajectory linewidth will start at the value of --trajectory-initial-linewidth and end at --trajectory-final-linewidth.

--trajectory-initial-linewidth NUMBER
Width (in points) at the head of the trajectory. Requires --trajectory-linewidth taper.

--trajectory-final-linewidth NUMBER
Width (in points) at the end of the trajectory. Requires --trajectory-linewidth taper.

--scalar-min NUMBER
Scalar value to map to bottom of color map. Requires --trajectory-color-type scalar.

--scalar-max NUMBER
Scalar value to map to top of color map. Requires --trajectory-color-type scalar.

Standard method - define the Trajectory Rendering argument group