tracktable.script_helpers.argument_groups.dt_point_loader module

Module contents

Arguments for the delimited text point reader.

Use this group as follows:

from tracktable.script_helpers import argument_groups, argparse
my_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
argument_groups.use_group('dt_point_loader', my_parser)


--delimiter CHARACTER
Single character delimiter for fields

--comment-character CHARACTER
Single character indicating ‘skip this line’ when found as the first non-whitespace character on a line

--domain NAME Name of domain (terrestrial, cartesian2d, cartesian3d)
for points to be read

--longitude-column COL
Populate longitude with the contents of column COL

--latitude-column COL
Populate latitude with the contents of column COL

--x-column COL
Populate X coordinate with the contents of column COL

--y-column COL
Populate Y coordinate with the contents of column COL

--string-field-column NAME COL
Populate field NAME with column COL as a string

--numeric-field-column NAME COL
Populate field NAME with column COL as a number

--timestamp-field-column NAME COL
Populate field NAME with column COL as a timestamp. Not the same as the timestamp column.

--object-id-column COL
Populate the point’s object ID with column COL. Only applies to trajectory points.

--timestamp-column COL
Populate the point’s timestamp with column C. Only applies to trajectory points.

Create the argument group for DelimitedTextPointReader.

This function is called automatically when the argument_groups module is loaded.