Terrestrial Domain


The Terrestrial domain (tracktable::domain::terrestrial) concerns points on the surface of the Earth. These points are located using longitude and latitude. In Tracktable, longitude and latitude are always measured in degrees and longitude always comes first. We prefer to let longitude range from -180 to 180 but the underlying math doesn’t care.


Position in the terrestrial domain is measured in degrees of longitude and latitude. Longitude is always coordinate 0 and latitude is always coordinate 1. Points are presumed to lie on the surface of the Earth. If you want to include altitude, use the user-defined properties.

Distances are measured in kilometers. Speeds are measured in kilometers per hour.

Module Contents


doxygenclass: Cannot find class “tracktable::domain::terrestrial::TerrestrialPoint” in doxygen xml output for project “tracktable_cpp” from directory: readthedocs/doxygen/doxyxml


doxygenclass: Cannot find class “tracktable::domain::terrestrial::TerrestrialTrajectoryPoint” in doxygen xml output for project “tracktable_cpp” from directory: readthedocs/doxygen/doxyxml