Source code for tracktable.applications.prediction

# Copyright (c) 2014-2021 National Technology and Engineering
# Solutions of Sandia, LLC. Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525
# with National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC,
# the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
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tracktable.applications.prediction - Predict trajectory end point

We can use a database of already-seen trajectories to try to find matches
for a newly identified trajectory.  We do this by breaking up our
already-seen trajectories into fragments, computing a feature vector for
each one, and storing that feature vector in an R-tree.  Then, when we
want to predict where a new trajectory might be going, we compute a
feature vector for it and look for the nearest neighbor in our R-tree.

Like many prediction methods, this is not guaranteed to find the right
answer every time (especially when observing trajectories that don't
behave like anything else).  The exact success rate depends on the
quality of the match between the new trajectory and history.

import datetime
import logging
import os
import random
from math import acos, cos

import folium
import matplotlib.colors
import matplotlib.pyplot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from folium.plugins import HeatMap
from tqdm import tqdm
from tracktable.applications.assemble_trajectories import \
from tracktable.core.geomath import (ECEF_from_feet, distance, interpolate,
                                     km_to_radians, length,
                                     point_at_length_fraction, point_at_time)
from tracktable.domain.cartesian3d import BasePoint as CartesianPoint3D
from tracktable.domain.feature_vectors import convert_to_feature_vector
from tracktable.domain.rtree import RTree
from tracktable.domain.terrestrial import (Trajectory, TrajectoryPointReader,
                                           TrajectoryReader, TrajectoryWriter)
from tracktable.render.map_decoration.coloring import matplotlib_cmap_to_dict
from tracktable.render.render_trajectories import render_trajectories

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

########################### FILE INPUT HELPER CLASS ###########################
[docs]class InputFile(object): """ File-like object. """ def __init__(self, file): self.file = file self.bytes = 0 def __iter__(self): return self
[docs] def get_bytes_and_reset(self): tmp = self.bytes self.bytes = 0 return tmp
[docs] def read(self, size=-1): data = self.bytes += len(data) return data
def __next__(self): data = self.file.readline() if not data: raise StopIteration self.bytes += len(data) return data.decode('utf-8') next = __next__
############################################################################### ######################### PREDICTION HELPER FUNCTIONS ######################### ############################################################################### def _minimum_total_distance(trajectory_list, distance): """Will remove trajectories that are less than the given distance Arguments: trajectory_list (list): List of trajectory objects to filter distance (float): minimum distance in km trajectories must be to remain in final list Returns: the trajectory object list whose trajectories are over the given distance """ return [trajectory for trajectory in trajectory_list if length(trajectory) > distance] def _keep_flights(trajectory_list, flight_type): """Keep trajectories of a certain type, i.e. Commercial, private Arguments: trajectory_list (list): List of trajectory objects to filter flight_type (str): 'C' for commercial or 'P' for private, these will be kept Returns: the trajectory object list with the flight type specified """ # Keep commercial flights based off of id number if flight_type == 'C': return [trajectory for trajectory in trajectory_list if (trajectory.object_id[0] != 'N') or (trajectory.object_id[1] < '0' or trajectory.object_id[1] > '9')] else: return [trajectory for trajectory in trajectory_list if trajectory.object_id[0] == 'N'] def _consistent_origin(trajectory_list): """Removes trajectories whose points do not contain a consistent point of origin Arguments: trajectory_list (list): List of trajectory objects to filter Returns: the trajectory list whose trajectories contain consistent origins """ filtered_list = [] for trajectory in trajectory_list: front_origin = trajectory[0].properties['origin'] end_origin = trajectory[-1].properties['origin'] if front_origin == end_origin and front_origin is not None and \ end_origin is not None: filtered_list.append(trajectory) return filtered_list def _consistent_destination(trajectory_list): """Removes trajectories whose points do not contain a consistent destination Arguments: trajectory_list (list): List of trajectory objects to filter Returns: the trajectory list whose trajectories contain consistent destinations """ filtered_list = [] for trajectory in trajectory_list: front_dest = trajectory[0].properties['destination'] end_dest = trajectory[-1].properties['destination'] if front_dest == end_dest and front_dest is not None and \ end_dest is not None: filtered_list.append(trajectory) return filtered_list def _find_subtrajectory(trajectory, fragment_length, samples, start_fraction=None): """Chooses a sub-trajectory of length fragment_length from a whole trajectory where the starting point is more than 100km from the end Arguments: trajectory (Tracktable trajectory): A trajectory to find a sub-trajectory from fragment_length (int): Length of the trajectory to keep as the sub-trajectory in km samples (int): Number of points to represent the sub-trajectory with Keyword Arguments: start_fraction (float): where to begin the sub-trajectory in the whole trajectory. (Default: None) Returns: a tuple whose first element is the fraction of the initial whole trajectory at which the sub-trajectory begins and whose second element is the sub-trajectory represented as a list of points that is samples long """ t_length = length(trajectory) # pick a random start_fraction if start_fraction is None: start_fraction = random.uniform(0, 1) * (1.0 - fragment_length / t_length) samples_list = [] for i in range(samples): frac = start_fraction + (fragment_length / t_length) * i / (samples - 1) samples_list.append(point_at_length_fraction(trajectory, frac)) return start_fraction, samples_list def _pick_observed(trajectories, index=None, fragment_length=100, samples=4, start_fraction=0.2): """Chooses an observed trajectory of length fragment_length from a whole trajectory where the starting point is more than 100km from the end Arguments: trajectories (list): a list of trajectories Keyword Arguments: index (int): index in the list of trajectories to use as the 'observed trajectory'. (Default: None) fragment_length (int): Length of the trajectory to keep as the observed trajectory in km. (Default: 100) samples (int): Number of points to represent the observed trajectory with. (Default: 4) start_fraction (float): where to begin the observed trajectory in the whole trajectory. (Default: 0.2) Returns: a Trajectory, the observed trajectory """ if index is None: # pick a random index index = random.randint(0, len(trajectories - 1)) observed_trajectory = _find_subtrajectory(trajectories[index], fragment_length, samples, start_fraction=start_fraction)[1] return Trajectory.from_position_list(observed_trajectory) def _create_feature_vector(point, index): """Creates a feature vector from long, lat, altitude (set to 0) and the trajectory a point belongs to Arguments: point (Tracktable point): to make into a feature vector index (int): The index from a list of trajectories that indicates which trajectory the point belongs to Returns: a feature vector """ # altitude is not guaranteed in the data point.set_property('altitude', 0) converted_point = ECEF_from_feet(point, 'altitude') return convert_to_feature_vector([converted_point[0], converted_point[1], converted_point[2], index]) def _create_id_to_index(trajectories): """Create a dictionary that maps original_traj_id to its index in trajectories Arguments: trajectories (list): list of trajectories Returns: dictionary described above """ id_to_index = {} for trajectory in range(len(trajectories)): id_to_index[trajectories[trajectory].trajectory_id] = trajectory return id_to_index def _linear_weights(x): """Creates a linear weight function where x will scale the distance weights 0 and 1 (use neigh distance) Arguments: x (int): used to scale the weights between 0 and 1 Returns: a weight function that takes one parameter (distance) """ return lambda d: 1 - d / x def _represent_trajectory_with_segments(trajectory): """Represents a trajectory by a list of segments Arguments: trajectory (Tracktable tracjectory): Trajectory Returns: a list of trajectories (segments) """ segments = [] for point in range(len(trajectory) - 1): segment = Trajectory.from_position_list([trajectory[point], trajectory[point + 1]]) segments.append(segment) return segments def _find_best_segment(segments, point): """Finds the closest segment to the point Arguments: segments (list): list of segments (which are trajectories made up of two points) point (Tracktable point): point object Returns: a tuple where the first element is the distance to the closest segment and the second is the segment """ closest_distance = float('inf') closest_seg = None for segment in segments: d = distance(point, segment) # need to account for if two consecutive points are at the same location if d < closest_distance and distance(segment[0], segment[1]) > 0: closest_distance = d closest_seg = segment # note that we want spherical distance here, convert to radians return km_to_radians(closest_distance), closest_seg def _nearest_trajectory_point(trajectory, point, segments): """Finds the closest point on a trajectory (trajectory) to a point (point) Arguments: trajectory (Tracktable trajectory): index of the trajectory in the list of all historical trajectories point (Tracktable point): point object segments (list): list of all historical trajectories represented as segments Returns: the closest point """ traj_as_segs = segments[trajectory] # Find the segment in the trajectory that the point is nearest min_distance, segment = _find_best_segment(traj_as_segs, point) # Nearest point could be nearest to either of the endpoints of the segments if distance(segment[0], point) == min_distance: return segment[0] elif distance(segment[1], point) == min_distance: return segment[1] else: # note that we want spherical distance here, convert to radians interpolant = acos(cos(km_to_radians(distance(segment[0], point))) / cos(min_distance)) \ / km_to_radians(distance(segment[0], segment[1])) return interpolate(segment[0], segment[1], interpolant) def _predict_helper(prediction_dictionary, observed_trajectory, neighbor_distance, group_origin_destination): """Will find historical trajectories that are well aligned with the observed trajectory and assign weights to these trajectories by origin/destination pair or individual historical trajectory. Arguments: prediction_dictionary (dict): dictionary returned from process_historical_trajectories function observed_trajectory (Tracktable trajectory): Trajectory to make a prediction for neighbor_distance (int): points within this distance to the observed trajectory are considered close to it/nearby group_origin_destination (bool): If true weight by origin/destination pair, if false weight by individual historical trajectory Returns: a list whose contents depend on which function is used to assign weights either find_weights_trajectories or find_weights_origin_destination """ weight_function = _linear_weights(neighbor_distance) # find well-aligned trajectories well_aligned_trajs = find_well_aligned_trajectories(observed_trajectory, prediction_dictionary, neighbor_distance) # find historical trajectories that go in the same direction as observed trajectory same_direction_trajs = find_same_direction_trajectories(observed_trajectory, well_aligned_trajs, prediction_dictionary) # results in terms of od pairs if group_origin_destination: return find_weights_origin_destination(observed_trajectory, same_direction_trajs, prediction_dictionary, weight_function) # results in terms of trajectories else: return find_weights_trajectories(observed_trajectory, same_direction_trajs, prediction_dictionary, weight_function) ################################################################################ ########################### PREDICTION FUNCTIONS ############################### ################################################################################
[docs]def sample_trajectory(trajectory, samples): """ Represent a trajectory as a list of samples evenly spaced points Arguments: trajectory (Tracktable trajectory): trajectory to sample samples (int): number of points to represent the trajectory with Returns: list of sampled points """ t_length = length(trajectory) samples_list = [] for i in range(samples): frac = t_length * i / (samples - 1) samples_list.append(point_at_length_fraction(trajectory, frac/t_length)) return samples_list
[docs]def process_historical_trajectories(data_file, raw_data=None, separation_time=20, separation_distance=100, minimum_length=20, minimum_total_distance=200, only_commercial=True): """Process historical trajectories from a file, filter them, and construct all of the data structures needed for prediction Arguments: data_file (file): .csv, .tsv, or .traj file containing historical trajectory information Keyword Arguments: raw_data (Tracktable trajectories): Trajectories that need processed and aren't coming from a file. . (Default: None) separation_time (int): Maximum permissible time (in minutes) difference between adjacent points in a trajectory. (Default: 20) separation_distance (int): Maximum permissible geographic distance (km) between adjacent points in a trajectory. (Default: 100) minimum_length (int): Complete trajectories with fewer than this many points will be discarded. (Default: 20) minimum_total_distance (int): require trajectories be longer than this distance (km). (Default: 200) only_commercial (bool): True if you want to work with only commercial flights. (Default: True) Returns: A dictionary of data structures which will be used in the prediction algorithm. """ # reading in points if raw_data: reader = TrajectoryReader() reader.input = raw_data trajectories = list(reader) elif data_file.endswith('.csv') or data_file.endswith('.tsv'): # read in the data try: with open(data_file, 'rb') as inFile: bytes_to_read = os.path.getsize(data_file) wrapped_file = InputFile(inFile) reader = TrajectoryPointReader() reader.input = wrapped_file reader.comment_character = '#' reader.field_delimiter = '\t' reader.object_id_column = 0 reader.timestamp_column = 1 reader.coordinates[0] = 2 reader.coordinates[1] = 3 reader.set_real_field_column('altitude', 6) reader.set_string_field_column('origin', 25) reader.set_string_field_column('destination', 30) builder = AssembleTrajectoryFromPoints() builder.input = reader builder.minimum_length = minimum_length builder.separation_time = datetime.timedelta(minutes= separation_time) builder.separation_distance = separation_distance trajectories = []'Begin reading in trajectories from file') with tqdm(total=bytes_to_read) as pbar: for trajectory in builder.trajectories(): pbar.update(wrapped_file.get_bytes_and_reset()) trajectories.append(trajectory) except: logger.error("Cannot open file.") raise IOError # filter trajectories = _minimum_total_distance(trajectories, minimum_total_distance) if only_commercial: trajectories = _keep_flights(trajectories, 'C') trajectories = _consistent_origin(trajectories) trajectories = _consistent_destination(trajectories) # reading in trajectories elif data_file.endswith('.traj'): reader = TrajectoryReader() reader.input = open(data_file, 'r') trajectories = list(reader) else: logger.error("Improper file type") raise IOError prediction_dictionary = {} prediction_dictionary['trajectories'] = trajectories # Set up RTree with all the points we are looking at and which trajectory # each point belongs to all_points = []'Begin constructing feature vectors from all points') for i in tqdm(range(0, len(trajectories))): for point in trajectories[i]: all_points.append(_create_feature_vector(point, i))'Begin constructing RTree') tree = RTree(points=tqdm(all_points)) prediction_dictionary['all_points'] = all_points prediction_dictionary['tree'] = tree segments = []'Begin creating segment representation for all trajectories') for trajectory in tqdm(trajectories): segments.append(_represent_trajectory_with_segments(trajectory)) prediction_dictionary['segments'] = segments id_to_index = _create_id_to_index(trajectories) prediction_dictionary['id_to_index'] = id_to_index return prediction_dictionary
[docs]def align(rtree, all_points, trajectories, observed_trajectory, neighbor_distance): """Find historical trajectories that are close to at least one sample point of the observed trajectory Arguments: rtree (R-Tree): an rtree containing all of the points from historical trajectories all_points (list): a list of all the points in the rtree trajectories (list): a list of all the historical trajectories observed_trajectory (Tracktable trajectory): Trajectory neighbor_distance (int): points within this distance to the observed trajectory are considered close to it/nearby Returns: a dictionary of historical trajectories that align with the observed trajectory. Maps trajectory indices in trajectories to the number of sample points the historical trajectory is close to """ results0 = [] aligning_trajs = {} for point in tqdm(observed_trajectory): point.set_property('altitude', 0) # convert to ECEF for more exact distance calculations converted_point = ECEF_from_feet(point, 'altitude') # create a bounding box of size neighbor_distance around the point min_corner = CartesianPoint3D(converted_point) max_corner = CartesianPoint3D(converted_point) for j in range(3): min_corner[j] -= neighbor_distance max_corner[j] += neighbor_distance # account for points being stored as feature vectors with last point # being its index in list of trajectories min_corner_fv = [min_corner[0], min_corner[1], min_corner[2], 0] max_corner_fv = [max_corner[0], max_corner[1], max_corner[2], len(trajectories)] # perform a search in the rtree for points from other trajectories results0 = rtree.find_points_in_box(min_corner=min_corner_fv, max_corner=max_corner_fv) # ensure trajectory is in neighbor_distance of sample point # remember that we searched a box, but we really want points in a # sphere ensure that each trajectory is only added to the dictionary # once already_added = set() for t_index in results0: trajectory = int(all_points[t_index][3]) # calculate distance from point to trajectory traj_to_point = distance(trajectories[trajectory], point) if (not (trajectory in already_added)) \ and (traj_to_point < neighbor_distance): already_added.add(trajectory) if trajectory in aligning_trajs.keys(): aligning_trajs[trajectory] = aligning_trajs[trajectory] + 1 else: aligning_trajs[trajectory] = 1 return aligning_trajs
[docs]def find_well_aligned_trajectories(observed_trajectory, prediction_dictionary, neighbor_distance): """Find the well-aligned trajectories for a given observed trajectory in historical data. A historical trajectory is well aligned to an observed trajectory if it is within neighbor_distance to each of the observed trajectory's sample points Arguments: observed_trajectory (Tracktable trajectory): Trajectory prediction_dictionary (dict): prediction dictionary object returned from process_historical data neighbor_distance (int): points within this distance to the observed trajectory are considered close to it/nearby Returns: a list of well-aligned trajectories' indices """ rtree = prediction_dictionary['tree'] trajectories = prediction_dictionary['trajectories'] all_points = prediction_dictionary['all_points'] # find trajectories that are close to at least one sample point aligned_trajs = align(rtree, all_points, trajectories, observed_trajectory, neighbor_distance) # filter to find trajectories that are close to all sample points well_aligned_trajs = [trajectory for trajectory, close_sample_points in aligned_trajs.items() if close_sample_points == len(observed_trajectory)] return well_aligned_trajs
[docs]def find_same_direction_trajectories(observed_trajectory, historical_trajectories, prediction_dictionary): """Find the historical trajectories that go in the same direction as the observed trajectory Arguments: observed_trajectory (Tracktable trajectory): Trajectory historical_trajectories (list): list of historical trajectories prediction_dictionary (dict): prediction dictionary object returned from process_historical data Returns: a list of trajectory indices of trajectories that go in the same direction as the observed trajectory """ segments = prediction_dictionary['segments'] correct_direction = [] for trajectory in tqdm(historical_trajectories): # closest point to beginning of observed trajectory nearest_front = _nearest_trajectory_point(trajectory, observed_trajectory[0], segments) # closest point to end of observed trajectory nearest_back = _nearest_trajectory_point(trajectory, observed_trajectory[ len(observed_trajectory) - 1], segments) # t2-t1 duration = nearest_back.timestamp - nearest_front.timestamp # only add the trajectory if the direction is the same if duration >= datetime.timedelta(0): correct_direction.append(trajectory) return correct_direction
[docs]def find_weights_origin_destination(observed_trajectory, historical_trajectories, prediction_dictionary, weight_function): """If an origin/destination prediction is being made, find the weights for each origin destination Arguments: observed_trajectory (Tracktable trajectory): Trajectory historical_trajectories (list): list of historical trajectories prediction_dictionary (dict): prediction dictionary object returned from process_historical data weight_function (function): function that takes one parameter, distance, and returns a weight inversely related to distance Returns: a list. The first element is a list of origin/destination pairs sorted by weight, the second is a dictionary mapping origin/destination pairs to historical trajectory indices, the third is a dictionary mapping origin/destination pairs to weights """ trajectories = prediction_dictionary['trajectories'] weights = {} pairs_to_trajs = {} for trajectory in historical_trajectories: # assume consistent origin/destination origin = trajectories[trajectory][0].properties['orig'] destination = trajectories[trajectory][0].properties['dest'] pair = (origin, destination) add_weight = [] for point in observed_trajectory: new_distance = distance(trajectories[trajectory], point) new_weight = weight_function(new_distance) add_weight.append(new_weight) # pick the worst performing weight/point that is the farthest # away weight = min(add_weight) if pair in weights.keys(): weights[pair] += weight pairs_to_trajs[pair].append(trajectory) else: weights[pair] = weight pairs_to_trajs[pair] = [trajectory] sum_of_weights = 0 # find the sum of all the weights for trajectory in weights.keys(): sum_of_weights = sum_of_weights + weights[trajectory] # normalize for trajectory in weights.keys(): weights[trajectory] = weights[trajectory] / sum_of_weights # sort in descending order sorted_results = sorted(weights.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) return [x[0] for x in sorted_results], pairs_to_trajs, weights
[docs]def find_weights_trajectories(observed_trajectory, historical_trajectories, prediction_dictionary, weight_function): """If an location prediction is being made, find the weights for each historical trajectory Arguments: observed_trajectory (Tracktable trajectory): Trajectory historical_trajectories (list): list of historical trajectories prediction_dictionary (dict): prediction dictionary object returned from process_historical data weight_function (function): function that takes one parameter, distance, and returns a weight inversely related to distance Returns: a list. The first element is a list of trajectory ids sorted by weight, the second is an empty dictionary this is a place holder to keep format consistent with od weighting function, the third is a dictionary mapping trajectory ids to weights """ trajectories = prediction_dictionary['trajectories'] weights = {} for trajectory in historical_trajectories: name = trajectories[trajectory].trajectory_id add_weight = [] for point in observed_trajectory: new_distance = distance(trajectories[trajectory], point) new_weight = weight_function(new_distance) add_weight.append(new_weight) # choose the worst weight weight = min(add_weight) weights[name] = weight sum_of_weights = 0 # find the sum of all the weights for trajectory in weights.keys(): sum_of_weights = sum_of_weights + weights[trajectory] # normalize for trajectory in weights.keys(): weights[trajectory] = weights[trajectory] / sum_of_weights # sort in descending order sorted_results = sorted(weights.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) return [x[0] for x in sorted_results], {}, weights
[docs]def predict_location(observed_trajectory, prediction_dictionary, minutes, neighbor_distance=5, samples=4): """Predicts the location of the trajectory in the specified amount of minutes Arguments: observed_trajectory (Tracktable trajectory): the observed trajectory for which to make a prediction prediction_dictionary (dict): prediction dictionary object returned from process_historical data minutes (int): Number of minutes forward to predict Keyword Arguments: neighbor_distance (int): points within this distance (km) to the observed trajectory are considered close to it/nearby. (Default: 5) samples (int): the number of points to represent the observed trajectory with. (Default: 4) Returns: a list. The first element is a dictionary of predicted points, the second element is a dictionary of paths to the points, and the third is a dictionary of weights for the points (for all the keys are the trajectory_ids) """ end_point = observed_trajectory[-1] observed_trajectory = sample_trajectory(observed_trajectory, samples) predictions, _, weights = _predict_helper(prediction_dictionary, observed_trajectory, neighbor_distance, False) points = {} paths = {} for trajectory in predictions: traj_index = prediction_dictionary['id_to_index'][trajectory] nearest_point = _nearest_trajectory_point(traj_index, end_point, prediction_dictionary['segments']) predict_time = nearest_point.timestamp + \ datetime.timedelta(minutes=minutes) predicted_point = point_at_time(prediction_dictionary['trajectories'][traj_index], predict_time) predicted_path = [] for p in prediction_dictionary['trajectories'][traj_index]: if nearest_point.timestamp <= p.timestamp <= \ predicted_point.timestamp: predicted_path.append(p) points[prediction_dictionary['trajectories'][traj_index].trajectory_id] = \ predicted_point paths[prediction_dictionary['trajectories'][traj_index].trajectory_id] = predicted_path return points, paths, weights
[docs]def predict_origin_destination(observed_trajectory, prediction_dictionary, neighbor_distance=5, samples=4, printResults=True): """Predicts the origin and destination of an observed trajectory Arguments: observed_trajectory (Tracktable trajectory): the observed trajectory for which to make a prediction prediction_dictionary (dict): prediction dictionary object returned from process_historical data Keyword Arguments: printResults (bool): Flag to print the results of prediction to the logger (Default: True) neighbor_distance (int): points within this distance (km) to the observed trajectory are considered close to it/nearby. (Default: 5) samples (int): the number of points to represent the observed trajectory with. (Default: 4) Returns: a dictionary of results """ # Sub select the observed trajectory by the number of samples (parameter) observed_trajectory = sample_trajectory(observed_trajectory, samples) predictions, pairs_to_trajs, weights = _predict_helper(prediction_dictionary, observed_trajectory, neighbor_distance, True) sum_weights = 0 integrated_weights = {} for pair in predictions: integrated_weights[pair] = sum_weights sum_weights = sum_weights + weights[pair] results = {} # initialize results['predictions'] = predictions results['weights'] = weights results['integrated_weights'] = integrated_weights pairs_to_traj_ids = {} for od in pairs_to_trajs.keys(): pairs_to_traj_ids[od] = [prediction_dictionary['trajectories'][trajectory].trajectory_id for trajectory in pairs_to_trajs[od]] results['OD_pairs_to_trajs'] = pairs_to_traj_ids if printResults:"List of possible origin destinations with weights:")"Orig\tDest\tWeight") for result in results['predictions']:[0] + '\t' + result[1] + '\t' + '%.2f' % weights[result])['predictions'])) + ' possible prediction(s)') return results
############################################################################### ########################### SAVE RELEVANT TRAJS ############################### ###############################################################################
[docs]def find_relevant_trajectories_origin_destination(results, prediction_dictionary): """Finds the trajectory objects associated with the historical trajectories that were well aligned with the observed trajectory Arguments: results (dict): a results dictionary returned from predict_origin_destination prediction_dictionary (dict): dictionary returned from processing historical trajectories Returns: A list of relevant trajectories """ relevant_trajectories = [] for v in results['OD_pairs_to_trajs'].values(): for trajectory in v: index = prediction_dictionary['id_to_index'][trajectory] relevant_trajectories.append(prediction_dictionary['trajectories'][index]) return relevant_trajectories
[docs]def find_relevant_trajectories_location(points, prediction_dictionary): """Finds the trajectory objects associated with the historical trajectories that were well aligned with the observed trajectory Arguments: points (dict): the points dictionary returned from predict_location (first argument of the list) prediction_dictionary (dict): dictionary returned from processing historical trajectories Returns: A list of relevant trajectories """ relevant_trajectories = [] for trajectory in points.keys(): index = prediction_dictionary['id_to_index'][trajectory] relevant_trajectories.append(prediction_dictionary['trajectories'][index]) return relevant_trajectories
[docs]def write_trajectories(filename, relevant_trajectories): """ Writes relevant trajectories to a .traj file Arguments: filename (str): file to write the relevant trajectories to, must end in .traj relevant_trajectories (list): list of trajectory objects to write to file Returns: writes relevant trajectories to the specified file """ if filename.endswith('.traj'): with open(filename, 'wb') as output: writer = TrajectoryWriter(output) writer.write(relevant_trajectories)